Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A REAL product for natural people with naturally curly hair.

Finally there is a product that truly works for people with curly hair. It is called DevaCurl by DevaConcepts.

All my childhood years (13 years to be exact) I have struggled with really nappy hair. I have tried everything from Suave, Aussie, Garnier, TRESSeme, and Pantene...but all they would do was dry my hair too death.
Image provided by Google Images.
I remember having to beg my mom to drive me to go get my hair straightened so that I would not get made fun of by the mean kids at school. I'll admit, I liked getting my hair 
straightened, but I always wanted flawless curls that I would see the other girls with. So one day I was doing some research on how to get great naturally curly hair.   I came across a video made by the people from DevaConcepts and they were talking about how shampoo is bad for curly hair because of the high sulfates they have in it. I'm not really gullible so I didn't believe that shampoo would have such a harsh chemical like sulfate. But I took a look at the back of all my shampoo bottles and sure enough I found the words AMMONIUM LAURETH SULFATE and AMMONIUM LAURYL SULFATE. For those of you who do not know what sulfate is, it is a very harsh chemical that is used in batteries and that increase the acidity in acid rain (provided by my background knowledge). So of course if this is in shampoo, it is not only  death to curly hair, it is death to straight hair as well. After I was done looking at the video, I ordered the DevaCurl kit and started using it on my hair. As I was washing my hair with the DevaCurl No-Poo hair cleanser, I saw a major difference from washing my hair with regular shampoo. Unlike the shampoo's that I used to use, the No-Poo gave me the moister that my hair desperately needed<3. The One Condition Conditioner was absolutely amazing as well. It gave the my hair the silkiness that it would need to last for the rest of the day. Finally, the last finishing touch that was absolutely breathtaking was the AnGel. It gave my curls the confidence that it would need to be able to wear it for the rest of the day.

So on a scale from 1 to 10, I give these hair care products a 10 for flawlessness. If you are thinking about getting this product, be aware that this is a high quality salon product so it will cost you a lot of money. You are looking at something that is worth about 30 dollars per bottle, but it is totally worth it if you want totally flawless curly hair. And they last for about 5-8 months which is a pretty long time. One thing that I do recommend though if you have always had dry hair no matter what, use hair grease or oil sheen to keep your scalp moist just in case. I used this product so much that it has gotten to a point where I hardly like get my hair straightened anymore; so I just keep my hair naturally curly. Also, you would help the environment by using these products. Not just this product but any sulfate-free hair care system.

If you would like to view the DevaCurl video to see what these products are all about, click the play button on the video to watch it :D.

video provided by youtube.com


  1. Wow... Didnt know women had to go through all off that just for hair... Kind of sad really.
